Horia Hulubei National Institute of R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) features a variety of nation-wide-scoped facilities comprising Tandem Van de Graff accelerators (of 9, 3 and 1 MV), a Cyclotron, a Multipurpose Irradiation Facility Center, a Radioactive Waste Processing Plant (including the national LL and IL radioactive waste repository), being an important part of the Romanian R&D infrastructure.
Most relevant for the scientific community worldwide, IFIN-HH is currently implementing the Nuclear Physics pillar of the ELI project, the Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP). Research Centre of European stature, challenging the science and technology frontiers in fundamental and applied research, ELI-NP is expected to bring significant advances in basic sciences – laser and nuclear physics, astrophysics – as well as important breakthroughs in applications of major societal interests in material and life sciences, management of nuclear materials a.o. The present core of the facility is a very high intensity laser system, with two 10 PW laser arms, that has recently (March 2019) reached a historic milestone: a peak power level of 10 PW (1016W), a world premiere in Science, becoming thus the most powerful laser in the world!
The second defining component of ELI-NP, a beyond state of the art Gamma Beam System, is currently under construction (http://www.eli-np.ro/eli-np-in-a-nutshell.php), to be operational in 2023.
With the start of the first scientific experiments, investigating the interaction of high power lasers with matter were commenced, on March 18, 2020, ELI-NP has opened to the World of Science.
The R&D projects and the international collaborations carried out at the institute benefit from the support of IFIN-HH’s advanced computing infrastructure, currently the largest in the national public research system, that provides: HTC resources and services (through 4 Grid centers totaling 10,000 CPU cores); HPC services (on CPU clusters and over 50,000 GPGPU cores); Cloud IaaS resources (through the CLOUDIFIN center); massive data storage systems (totaling over 7 PetaBytes).
The infrastructure provides the (inter)national scientific community with computing and data storage services for the ALICE, ATLAS and LHCb experiments at LHC-CERN, for researchers at ELI-NP, for research in nanophysics, computational biology, for medicine and life sciences.
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